lørdag den 31. marts 2012

Fra Gilbert Sheltons skitsebog, del 2

I 1982 besøgte Marianne og jeg Gilbert Shelton og hans forlag Rip Off Press i San Francisco. Jeg fik lov til at kopiere Gilberts skitsebøger, som her for første gang slipper ud til offentligheden, sammen med kopier fra de motorblade som han startede med at tegne til. Vores fotos fra turen følger også med. Gilbert bor i dag i Paris. Afsnittet er del. 2 af 2.

In 1982 I was the editor of ” The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” in Denmark, and visited Gilbert Shelton (and Fat Freddy’s cat)  in San Francisco. “Rip Off Press” was of course one of the highlights on the tour and I was lucky enough to be allowed to copy Gilbert Sheltons sketchbooks along with drawings from the motor magazines where Gilbert started his carrier. The sketches are hereby published on the internet for the first time together with photos from the trip. Today Gilbert lives in Paris. This is part 2 of 2.

From the studio of Gilbert Shelton and Paul Mavrides at the "Rip Off Press" in San Francisco, 1982. Unfortuneately, my flash was out of order, but you can see the profile of a hardworking Paul Mavrides.

Marianne and me under The Golden Gate Bridge, photo taken by Gilbert Shelton, 1982.

The Rip Off bulletin board with the cover of Gilbert Sheltons “Insidious Menace Comics” among other things, 1982.

The home of another colorful artist: Shell Silverstein’s houseboat in San Francisco, 1982. He was unique as a performer, poet and writer but a bit lazy as a housekeeper.

Gilbert Shelton and the Freak Brothers, publicity photo.

lørdag den 24. marts 2012

Fra Gilbert Sheltons skitsebog, del 1

I 1982 besøgte Marianne og jeg Gilbert Shelton og hans forlag Rip Off Press i San Francisco. Jeg fik lov til at kopiere Gilberts skitsebøger, som her for første gang slipper ud til offentligheden, sammen med kopier fra de motorblade som han startede med at tegne til. Vores fotos fra turen følger også med. Gilbert bor i dag i Paris. Afsnittet er del. 1 af 2.

In 1982 I was the editor of ” The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” in Denmark, and visited Gilbert Shelton (and Fat Freddy’s cat)  in San Francisco. “Rip Off Press” was of course one of the highlights on the tour and I was lucky enough to be allowed to copy Gilbert Sheltons sketchbooks along with drawings from the motor magazines where Gilbert started his carrier. The sketches are hereby published on the internet for the first time together with photos from the trip. Today Gilbert lives in Paris. This is part 1 of 2.

Gilbert Shelton 1992 in his studio in Paris. Photo: Marianne Kidde.

"Rip Off Press" in San Francisco. 1982. 

Marianne by the main entrance of "The Rip Off Press", 1982.

The studio at the "Rip Off Press" where Gilbert Shelton and Paul Maurides worked together on "The Fab. Furry Freak Bros.", 1982. 

Walking from Gilberts house to the "Rip Off Press" we came across this interesting vehicle most certainly left by "The Freak Bros".